Thursday, March 25, 2010

Intern Pursuit is over. Now what?

Hello members!

Those of you who attended Intern Pursuit on Monday may be wondering what to do after Intern Pursuit in order to land the internship of your dreams. Keep reading for some helpful tips. Also, check out Ryan Sheehy’s blog,, for additional information and tips.

For any employers that you collected business cards or information sheets on, reach out to them. You can easily impress a professional by simply thanking them for coming and letting them know it was a pleasure meeting them. Even if you’re not particularly interested in interning with them now, you’ll probably leave a lasting impression that could help out in the future.

For those employers you are interested in potentially working with, make sure you follow up with a phone call or email. Offer to send writing samples, references and resend your resume.

If or when you hear back from employers who are interested in interviewing you for a position, make sure you maintain a very professional attitude. Be sure to respond to all requests, even if you want to take another opportunity. You can simply thank them for the offer and tell them you’ve decided to pursue other opportunities.

Once you get the interview, make sure you dress professionally. You can reference Ryan Sheehy’s blog for complete tips on how to dress for professional environments. Prepare for the interview by researching the company and your potential position thoroughly. Also, prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Having thoughtful questions to ask the employer at the end of the interview. It will prove that you’re interested in working with them and leave a very positive impression.

After the interview, be sure to follow up with the person that interviewed you. Hand-written notes are a great way to show you’re appreciation and interest in working with them. E-mailing the employer is fine too. Just be sure to follow up one way or another. Be sure to check out Ryan Sheehy’s blog at for more advice.

Quotes will have a board meeting Tuesday, March 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. If you’re interested in running for a position on the Quotes Executive Board, we invite you to attend this meeting. This is a great opportunity to see how the board operates and get a better understanding of each of the positions. Please be prompt as the board will be holding their regular meeting during this time.

Quotes’ next member meeting will be April 6 at 6 p.m. Executive board elections will be held at this meeting so you won’t want to miss it. Check back soon for a complete listing of open positions and their responsibilities.

See you all soon!

Julie Primrose & Masha Murakhovsky

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