Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quotes Board Elections

Hello Quotes members

It is that time of year again, Quotes Board Elections! The following positions are open. Please pay close attention to all requirements listed below.
Please submit all intents to run to Quotes via email at ucfquotes@gmail.com no later than Sunday, April 4 at midnight. All candidates must send an email that includes:

•Their name & contact information
•The position(s) they are interested in running for
•A short (5 sentence or less) biography of themselves

Director of Membership (Vice President)

The Director of Membership is expected to maintain and update Quotes’ membership roster. This includes gathering and organizing membership applications, keeping an up to date roster in excel as well as an up to date email list. Director of Membership is responsible for aiding the President in all aspects of the club, which includes, but is not limited to: planning conference, financial trainings, reservations, meeting agendas, etc…The Director of Membership is also responsible for the first member meetings presentation information, he/she must know and understand the clubs constitution in order to effectively explain requirements and etc. of the membership. The Director of membership is required to work closely with not only the President, but the clubs advisor as well. The last job requirement of the Director of Membership is to sit as an Intern Pursuit planning committee co-chair.

Director of Public Relations

The director of public relations is responsible for the initiation of all public relations related activities for Quotes. The director of PR must work closely with the director of advertising and the communications assistant to manage all club publicity. The director of PR is required to accept responsibility for the clubs exposure and image to the University and student body. This includes, but is not limited to, handling the publicity of all Quotes meetings, events and programs by: writing and distributing press releases, aiding in the scheduling and execution of in-class announcements, forming positive relationships with necessary on and off campus publications, planning publicity opportunities for the club and utilizing and maintaining a positive partnership with SGA and OSI. For all public relations initiatives one must always seek approval from the board. This is a 2-4 hour a week time commitment and sophomore, junior or senior standing is preferred. The completion of Introduction to PR as well as Writing for PR is highly desired. Weekly duties include: drafting press releases for each member meeting, inviting other clubs to attend our events, keeping the web site and Facebook copy up-to-date, retaining the club’s nomenclature, regularly updating the Quotes blog and twitter accounts, attending bi-weekly board meetings and member meetings, coordinating with other officers to provide tailored publicity for specific events (i.e. pitch letters, press releases, faculty letters, students announcements, save the dates)


This position requires perfect attendance to board and member meetings as well as access to a laptop. As secretary you are required to document the minutes during each meeting and distribute them to the Quotes board and its members. The Secretary must have an ability to type quickly while listening. As Secretary you must work closely with the president to ensure meetings stay focused, on track and that the necessary action items are communicated upon the completion of each meeting. Secretary is also expected to join committees formed within Quotes and aid the Director of Special Events in his/her initiatives.

Director of Special Events

The director of special events is responsible for the organization, planning and execution of all Quotes related events and event participation. As the director of special events you will be responsible for acting as a liaison between Quotes and the Student Government Association, Office of Student Involvement and any other event partners to coordinate all events. You will also be responsible for forming committees, recruiting volunteers and managing the publicity with the Director of PR and the Director of Advertising for each event. The director of special events is a leadership position on the board and requires excellent organization, attendance of all board meetings and a passion for event planning. As the director of special events you will work closely with the special events assistant in all your duties and train them in all facets of your position. This is a 3-5+ hour a week time commitment not including required attendance to all events. Must be available to attend all scheduled board meetings. Junior or senior status is preferred and SGA financial training will be required if elected.

Special Events Assistant

The special events assistant is responsible for assisting Quotes and the director of special events with all planning and execution of Quotes related events and event participation. As the special events assistant you will be responsible for aiding in all event management duties as needed and assigned by the director of special events and the Quotes board. This position provides room for growth within the Quotes board and would be ideal for a dedicated member of freshman, sophomore or junior status. This is a 2-3 hour a week time commitment. Must be available to attend all scheduled board meetings. If elected you will be required to become SGA financially trained.

Communications Assistant

The communications assistant is responsible for assisting Quotes in all publicity efforts for meetings, events and announcements. As the communications assistant you will work closely with the Director of PR and the Director of Advertising to ensure that all Quotes communications are consistent and effective. You will also be responsible for aiding in all publicity duties as needed and assigned by the Quotes board. This position provides room for growth within the Quotes board and would be ideal for a dedicated member of freshman, sophomore or junior status. Must be available to attend all scheduled board meetings. This is a 2-3 hour a week time commitment.


The treasurer is responsible for overseeing the Quotes Budget as well as for creating opportunities to raise funds for the club through sponsorship. This includes, but is not limited to: drafting sponsorship packets, keeping track of all past, present and future potential sponsors and budgeting funds received. As Sponsorship Director you are also required to complete the Activity and Service Fee Business Office’s required financial training course and work in compliance with establish University rules. Also, you must support the Quotes board during special events through planning allocated funds. You must attend all meetings and manage all coordination with the Activity and Service Fee business office accountant and apply for allocations for the following year.

The present Quotes board will be having a board meeting this Tuesday, March 30 at 6 p.m. Members are welcomed to attend to see the board in action and understand the positions they may be running for.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Intern Pursuit is over. Now what?

Hello members!

Those of you who attended Intern Pursuit on Monday may be wondering what to do after Intern Pursuit in order to land the internship of your dreams. Keep reading for some helpful tips. Also, check out Ryan Sheehy’s blog, http://ryansheehy.blogspot.com/, for additional information and tips.

For any employers that you collected business cards or information sheets on, reach out to them. You can easily impress a professional by simply thanking them for coming and letting them know it was a pleasure meeting them. Even if you’re not particularly interested in interning with them now, you’ll probably leave a lasting impression that could help out in the future.

For those employers you are interested in potentially working with, make sure you follow up with a phone call or email. Offer to send writing samples, references and resend your resume.

If or when you hear back from employers who are interested in interviewing you for a position, make sure you maintain a very professional attitude. Be sure to respond to all requests, even if you want to take another opportunity. You can simply thank them for the offer and tell them you’ve decided to pursue other opportunities.

Once you get the interview, make sure you dress professionally. You can reference Ryan Sheehy’s blog for complete tips on how to dress for professional environments. Prepare for the interview by researching the company and your potential position thoroughly. Also, prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Having thoughtful questions to ask the employer at the end of the interview. It will prove that you’re interested in working with them and leave a very positive impression.

After the interview, be sure to follow up with the person that interviewed you. Hand-written notes are a great way to show you’re appreciation and interest in working with them. E-mailing the employer is fine too. Just be sure to follow up one way or another. Be sure to check out Ryan Sheehy’s blog at http://ryansheehy.blogspot.com/ for more advice.

Quotes will have a board meeting Tuesday, March 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. If you’re interested in running for a position on the Quotes Executive Board, we invite you to attend this meeting. This is a great opportunity to see how the board operates and get a better understanding of each of the positions. Please be prompt as the board will be holding their regular meeting during this time.

Quotes’ next member meeting will be April 6 at 6 p.m. Executive board elections will be held at this meeting so you won’t want to miss it. Check back soon for a complete listing of open positions and their responsibilities.

See you all soon!

Julie Primrose & Masha Murakhovsky

Monday, March 22, 2010

Intern Pursuit - TONIGHT

Hello Quotes Members,

Intern Pursuit is tonight!

We hope you took the weekend to prep your resumes and perfect your personal pitches.

Remember, Intern Pursuit from 6-8 P.M. at the Orlando Sentinel, located at 633 Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL, 32801.

Here is the final employer RSVP list:


Carlman/Booker/Reis PR

CKS Marketing


Dalton Agency

Deatrick PR

Echo Interaction Group



Fry Hammond Barr

Green House

Massey Communications


Revenue Performance

Ron Sachs Communications

Wellons Communications

WOW! Marketing. PR. Events.

Wragg & Casas PR

Y Partnership



Apogee Home Health Care

Appleton Creative, Inc.

Brand Advance LLC

Decision Tree Financial

Florida Hospital

Florida Virtual School

Insight Marketing Group

Moving Interactive, Inc.

Oerther Foods, Inc.

Orlando Ballet

Powerhouse USA

Rawls Group

Savvy Public Relations, LLC


VS Publishing


Adult Literacy League

Arnold Palmer Hospital

Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center

Gift for Teaching

Hope and Help Center

Orlando Health

Orlando Repertory Theatre

Red Cross

United Way Heart of Florida


City of Orlando

City of Orlando Communications

City of Winter Park

Florida Municipal Power Agency

Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau


CoxRadio Digital Sales

CoxRadio National Promos

CoxRadio Promos

Trisolt Video & Web Productions

UCF News and Information

WHTQ 96.5

WMMO 98.9 FM

Don’t forget that first impressions last, so dress business professional.

For further questions or information, you may contact Denise Galang at dgalang@knights.ucf.edu or the Quotes’ Board at ucfquotes@gmail.com.

See you all later and good luck!

Denise Galang

Director of Special Events, Quotes PR club at UCF

Monday, March 15, 2010

Intern Pursuit Workshop & RSVP List

Welcome Back Quotes Members!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe spring break.

Intern Pursuit will be on Monday, March 22, from 6-8 p.m. Only one week away!

Quotes will be hosting an Intern Pursuit Workshop to help students prepare with Ad/P.R. professor Ryan Sheehy. This will be held during the club’s regular meeting time on Tuesday, March 16, from 6-7 p.m.

Here is the latest list of employers who are going to be at attendance at Intern Pursuit:

Deatrick PR

Y Partnership

Fry Hammond Barr

Green House

Florida Virtual School

Revenue Performance

Massey Communications

City of Winter Park

City of Orlando

Oerther Foods, Inc.


Arnold Palmer Center

Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Powerhouse USA

Gift For Teaching

Appleton Creative, Inc.


CKS Marketing

Orlando Repertory Theatre

WOW! Marketing. PR. Events

UCF News and Information

VS Publishing

Orlando Health


Curley & Pynn

WHTQ 96.5

Cox Events Group

United Way Heart of Florida

Arnold Palmer Hospital

Red Cross

Florida Municipal Power Agency

Orlando Ballet

Cox Radio

Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center

Dalton Agency

Hope and Help Center

Ron Sachs Communications

Adult Literacy League

Be sure to keep checking in for more updates on employer RSVP’s!

See you all soon!

Denise Galang

Director of Special Events, Quotes PR Club

Thursday, March 4, 2010

President Elect

Hello members!

On March 2nd, Darius Lana, junior of the Ad/P.R. program at UCF became the president elect for Quotes. We hope many of you were there to hear him speak about his experiences and how he will benefit the club.

I had a chance to speak with Darius about his position and his vision for Quotes. Darius became a member of Quotes so he could become more involved with PR. His leadership skills that he has made as a PR coordinator for the Student Government, his ability to work in a team and listening well to others will help him take on the challenge of becoming president for Quotes.

Darius is excited about the transformation of PR and the role that Quotes will play in shaping the students that are the members of this club. One of the main aspects that Darius wants to bring to Quotes, are volunteering events, because he feels very strongly about lending a helping hand.

His enthusiasm and experience in Student Government, field related internships and hosting the Knightcast radio show, The Hype, will bring Quotes to a new level of a strong standing club at UCF.

Remember, up to date information is always updated on our Facebook page and Twitter account. Have a fun and safe spring break and we will see you all March 16 for the Intern Pursuit Workshop.

--Masha Murakhovsky